Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Not Sure Where Winter Went...

I can't remember ever having a winter like this year.  I've hardly run our heater at all.  Seriously.  The gas bill has been almost non-existent!  I'm not complaining, really I'm not.  But, I would have loved to have one or two big snows.  This was the first year I made sure all my kids (and I) had snow boots in the right size for winter.  I made sure the kids had snow bibs that fit them, and bought a bunch of warmer gloves.  The tags are still on those gloves.  It figures.  Kind-of like washing your car means it will rain later. 

Last year we had 6 snow days from school, many due to extreme wind chills and it was pretty miserable.  Then, last summer we broke all kinds of records for the suffocating heat.  So, this winter's mild temperatures have been a welcome relief following a year of extremes!  

But, here's the deal.  I sleep really well with a cool house.  And, almost all winter long we didn't have to turn on our heater.  It would sneak down to about 60 at night inside and I'd bundle up in blankets and sleep really well.    But this week it's been in the upper 70's and mid 80's.  Seriously?  Isn't it March?  By midnight last night my house was still 73 and I couldn't sleep for anything.

So, I did what I said I never would.  I turned on the A/C in March.  Normally I hold out until late May or early June if possible, but I just couldn't sleep.  I just had to cool the house down at night.  As soon as I woke up I turned it off again, but YIKES, it's early for the A/C.  I also did something for the first time yesterday that I look forward to all year.  I played the "our house is too hot to turn on the oven" card.  I totally did.  And normally, Chris could grill, but he was out cold all day with a fever and crawling out of bed was just not going to happen.  So, I picked up food from a local restaurant.   Ohhh, I sure love doing that!  It's such a rare thing, and a real treat for me. 

But, honestly, where was winter this year?  It's supposed to be 84 today.  WOW!  I'm going to have to get the garden ready and stop worrying about an actual freeze. 

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