Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Visions of Tree Houses Dancing in Her Head

As I've mentioned before, Sophia is a tomboy at heart.  She LOVES to climb trees.  And since our neighborhood is only a few years old, she has to go over to her grandparents' houses to find trees worth climbing in.  She spends a lot of time trying to convince her Papa to build an elaborate tree house connecting two trees in his yard.  She draws pictures of tree houses and has told me she has every intention of living in a tree house in our back yard when she's an adult.  So, Santa was pretty clever in bringing her the 1960 Disney version of Swiss Family Robinson

Since Christmas morning I can't even count the number of times she's watched it.  At least two times a day.  And no, normally I wouldn't let them watch movies that much, but it is Christmas break so I'm indulging them a bit. I wasn't sure if it would capture her attention since it's almost as old as her Grandparents.  But she can't stop watching it.  So fun to see her enjoy something that I enjoyed as a child!  Santa also brought her the 1980 Space Camp since she also has an interest in that since going to the Cosmosphere.  But so far the tree house plan seems a little more realistic to her!

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