Monday, February 24, 2014

To the dry cleaners...

In all honesty, I haven't been to the dry cleaners in a while.  I really don't buy a lot of clothes that need dry cleaned.  Kind-of a policy for me.  Laundry is a bit overwhelming for a family of six, so why complicate it? 

But then Sam came along.  And this fall he fell in love with suits.  Seriously.  He pointed out men in suits on the television.  He saved a picture from the first day of school - not because it was from the first day of school, but because he was standing next to the superintendent of our school who was wearing a suit.  He begged me for one of his own.  He was relentless.  Oh. My. Gosh.  How ridiculous, right?!

Chris and I are very casual people.  But somehow, in God's sense of humor, he gave us a little boy who currently LOVES suits.  He absolutely adores the attention he gets at church from everyone who compliments him.  Such a ham!

So recently, I went to the dry cleaners.  Not for Chris or I, but because my favorite little man's suit was just getting too dirty from wearing it every chance he could get.  Sunday?  Yes you can wear your suit.  Your sister's birthday?  Sure you can wear your suit.  Driving the girls to swim practice?  What the heck, why not? 
Such a funny picture, but it really does reflect life at the Moon house right now!  

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