Saturday, November 28, 2009

Pumpkin Pie, X-rays and antibiotics

We had a great Thanksgiving weekend. Plenty of turkey and most importantly - pie. So much fun visiting with family and catching up with people we haven't seen in a while. Friday, after lunch we were cleaning up the table at Grandad's house when Sam started playing with his favorite toy in the world. Doors. Sam spends ALL day opening and shutting doors. Closet doors, room doors, drawers, Little People barn doors. you name it, he opens and shuts it. He decided to play with Grandad's wooden trash can door when it slammed shut on his little fingers. His little finger instantly turned purple, bled a little and looked horrible! I had to take him in to immediate care because he kept crying so much I knew it was hurt pretty badly. It turned out to be broken - well fractured. To be exact, he has a "minor avulsion fracture of the medial aspect of the distal tuft of the left ring finger." Its a small fracture, but its his first official broken bone -- to match his chipped front tooth. He's all boy for sure! Nothing a little antibiotics and a few bandages won't fix.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Tooth Fairy Continued....

For those of you keeping up with our epic saga with the tooth fairy, I wanted to give you an update. Friday, Sophia came home from school with another beautiful tooth necklace. Yes, once again, her tooth got loose enough at school that she went down to the nurse and had her pull it out. (Thank you, again, Nurse Ensey for saving me from that job!) I figured the novelty of two teeth sitting on my kitchen counter would wear thin and we would be expecting a visit from the tooth fairy immediately. Not so fast! Sophia still doesn't want to "cash her clunkers" in (sorry, not as funny written as it was in my head). So, unfortunately, I now have two shiny plastic tooth necklaces sitting on my kitchen counter. I'm going to either have to get creative to encourage a visit from the tooth fairy, or at the minimum require the necklaces to find a new home - preferably somewhere in the basement!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloweeen! The kids had a great time trick-or-treating this year and they all went with the superhero theme -Bat Girl, Wonder Woman, Super Girl, and Spider Man. Luckily, we get to send a bunch of our candy to the "less fortunate" friends at Daddy's work who don't get to go trick-or-treating. (Also works for parade candy). And yes, that is Spider Man's little blankie!